Mums In Need is a small charity that supports local mums in Sheffield and the surrounding areas who have left an abusive relationship with the other parent of their child(ren) and are looking to rebuild their lives.
They provide a vital service to the local community and support their mums with 1:1 casework support, legal advice, counselling, wellbeing sessions, and peer support groups.
Thanks to the generosity of our valued customers, for almost a year we’ve raised much needed funds to help Mums In Need support more mums and their children through post-separation abuse.
HOW DO WE HELP? After dining at China Red, our customers have the option to round up their bill by just £2 per table, with their £2 going directly to Mums In Need. We also have MIN charity tins around the restaurant for customers wishing to donate their loose change.
We’re pleased to say that we’ve raised over £3,300 for Mums In Need so far through this initiative, and will continue to raise funds and awareness for the charity for the foreseeable future.

It is also our pleasure to have Laura, the Founder & CEO of Mums In Need, and her team at our restaurant to celebrate their hard work for the Lived Experience Leadership Project.
Find out more about the project and what Mums In Need does from their website: https://www.mumsinneed.com/about-us/lived-experience-leadership-project